Available Courses

Introduction to Mission Projects and Space Systems

Course description: NST-MSS - The course intends to provide to the student with the necessary understanding of how the dynamics of a space mission work as a whole. The general conditions that involve a project of this complexity will be presented and how companies, institutions, and government agencies, in general, conduct the theme. The course has as its main reference the book “Space Mission Engineering - The New SMAD.”.

Main Reference: J. R. Wertz, D. F. Everett, and J. J. Puschell, “Space Mission Engineering - The New SMAD.” Microcosm Press, p. 644, 2011.

Design sem nome (12)
Design sem nome (13)

Introduction to SAR Space Systems

Course description: NST-SAR - This course deals with one of the Space Systems in Earth Observation whose interest by stakeholders has been growing in the last years. It will present the basic concepts of using SAR sensors (Synthetic Aperture Radar) from space and their applications. Several references make up this work, one of them being the NASA manual “The SAR Handbook”.

Main Reference: A. Flores, K. E. Herndon, R. B. Thapa, and E. Cherrington, The SAR Handbook. NASA, 2019.

Introduction to Space System Engineering

Course Description: NST-SSS - How to conduct a project of a Space Mission? Space System Engineering is an important tool to realize complex projects like these. NASA and ECSS are compared and explained using the information from previous missions. The principle of Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE) is presented.

Main References: NASA, “NASA System Engineering Handbook Revision 2,” Natl. Aeronaut. Sp. Adm., p. 297, 2016; and F. Training, “ECSS-M-ST-10C Rev. 1 - Space project management - Project planning and implementation,” Management, no. April, pp. 1–10, 2003.


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  2. Are you work with Space Systems, Planetary Sciences, and other correlated subjects? If you want to purpose a new course, keep in touch. Your idea can be joined to these preliminary courses.